M.Y. QUEEN MARE – 2021.06.27.
A condition survey was performed onboard the M.Y. QUEEN MARE on 27.06.2021.
A condition survey was performed onboard the M.Y. QUEEN MARE on 27.06.2021.
Pre-purchase condition survey was performed onboard the M.Y. NINA of OSBORNE on 17.06.2021.
Pre-purchase condition survey was performed onboard the S.Y. X-35 on 03.06.2021.
Pre-purchase condition survey was performed onboard the M.Y. QUINTA ESSENTIA on 25.05.2021.
Annual Flag State Safety Inspection performed on commercial board the M.Y. LADY MURA on 24.05.2021.
Pre-purchase condition survey was performed on board the S.Y. ILIRIA on 26.04.2021.
Pre-purchase condition survey was performed on board the M.Y. La Petit Maison on 29.03.2021.
Pre-purchase condition survey performed onboard the M.Y. ALEXANDAR S on 26.03.2021
Pre-purchase condition survey was performed on board the M.Y. SVETLANA on 18.03.2021.
A condition survey was performed onboard the M.Y. PELORUS on 29.12.2020.